The National Domestic Violence Hotline Celebrates 40 Years of FVPSA: A Legacy of Support and Safety

For Immediate Release on October 9, 2024

Today , the National Domestic Violence Hotline (The Hotline) honors the 40th anniversary of the Family Violence Prevention and Services Act (FVPSA), a cornerstone in the nation’s efforts to support victims and survivors of domestic violence, family violence, and dating violence. Over the past four decades, FVPSA has served as the primary federal funding source for domestic violence shelters, programs, and resource centers, such as The Hotline, which provides life-saving services to millions of survivors and their families.

Since its passage in 1984, FVPSA has empowered more than 1,600 community-based and tribal programs to offer emergency shelter, legal assistance, counseling, prevention education, and crisis intervention. Because of this incredible funding, over 1.3 million survivors and their children are supported each year. FVPSA ensures that survivors nationwide have access to the critical services they need to pursue a path to safety and rebuild their lives.

For The Hotline, FVPSA’s legacy is woven into every part of our work. The vital support we receive from FVPSA enables us to meet survivors where they are with 24/7 support via phone, chat, text, and through self-service options for those unable to safely access life-saving services. The Hotline provides critical support to victims and survivors by validating their experiences, providing safety planning, and connecting them to vital resources in their area. FVPSA has made it possible for The Hotline to answer more than 7 million calls, chats and texts from individuals seeking safety, support, and hope.

FVPSA has made it possible for The Hotline to answer more than 7 million calls, chats and texts from individuals seeking safety, support, and hope.

“The Family Violence Prevention and Services Act has been a beacon of hope for millions of survivors over the past 40 years,” said Katie Ray-Jones, CEO of the National Domestic Violence Hotline. “Its impact on the lives of those seeking safety and fleeing abuse cannot be overstated. FVPSA’s support has made it possible for organizations like The Hotline to answer the call for help day in and day out— and as a result millions of lives have been impacted. As we look to the future, we are committed to building on this legacy, and ensuring the long-lasting change created by this impactful bill and advocating to increase funding to FVPSA so that even more victims can access life-saving support. We are grateful for the leadership of Director Dawson and everything the Office of Family Prevention Services does to make our mission possible.”

This milestone would not be possible without the steadfast dedication of the Office of Family Violence Prevention and Services, at the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, which is charged with the implementation of FVPSA’s core provisions. Their leadership and commitment have been instrumental in expanding services, promoting prevention efforts, and advancing critical work for survivors and their children across the country.

As we mark this milestone, we are reminded of the progress made and the ongoing challenges. Despite the significant strides achieved through FVPSA, the need for support remains urgent. Every day, FVPSA-funded programs are often unable to meet thousands of requests for emergency shelter and services due to limited resources, and The Hotline continues to face unprecedented demand. This underscores the necessity of continued investment to expand access to life-saving services.

The Hotline believes in a future where every survivor has the resources and support to live free from violence. The improvements made through the Family Violence Prevention and Services Act have moved us closer to that vision, but the work is far from over. As we celebrate the 40th anniversary of this landmark legislation, we recommit to the goal of ensuring that every survivor, regardless of their background or circumstance, has access to the safety and support they deserve. We encourage Members to support H.R. 2604, introduced by Rep. McBath, Fitzpatrick, Moore and Young and S.2693 by Sen. Casey and Murkowski to ensure FVPSA is updated to better meet the emerging needs of survivors, including LGBTQ and BIPOC survivors.

The Hotline expresses its deepest gratitude to lawmakers, advocates, the Office of Family Violence Prevention and Services, and service providers who have championed FVPSA over the past 40 years. We look forward to continuing this important work together in the years to come.


The National Domestic Violence Hotline envisions a world where all relationships are positive, healthy, and free from violence. If you or someone you know is experiencing relationship abuse in any form, help is available. The National Domestic Violence Hotline provides free, confidential support 24/7/365. Text START to 88788, call 1-800-799-SAFE (7233), or chat with us online at You are not alone.