Supreme Court Rules to Disarm Domestic Violence

By Katie Ray-Jones, CEO of the National Domestic Violence Hotline

In response to the Supreme Court ruling in United States vs. Rahimi, the Domestic Violence Hotline issues the following statement: 

“We are relieved by the Supreme Court’s decision to preserve one of the most basic protections for survivors whose abusive partner may have access to a firearm. Prohibiting domestic violence abusers from accessing firearms is common-sense, life-saving, and constitutional. The devastating impact of firearms in abusive relationships is horrific and can be lethal; today’s decision saved lives. This law works, and it makes all of us safer. While this ruling represents a victory for survivors, we are deeply concerned at the attempts to roll back protections for victims and survivors. Our work to protect survivors is not done, and the fact that any of this was up for debate tells us how far we have yet to go. The spikes in calls The Hotline received since the Fifth Circuit Court’s ruling are not just numbers. They are real people and families whose lives were put at risk, whose safety was put on hold by the very systems that should be keeping them safe. Just in the span of this case, we’ve witnessed an overwhelming amount of stories and headlines about people who lost their lives because their protection orders were denied or not enforced effectively. We must do better. The Hotline stands with survivors and will continue to answer their calls 24/7, provide life-saving support and education to end stigma, and advocate for increased survivor safety and wellbeing in this country — survivors deserve nothing less.”

– Katie Ray-Jones, CEO of the National Domestic Violence Hotline


The National Domestic Violence Hotline envisions a world where all relationships are positive, healthy, and free from violence. If you or someone you know is experiencing relationship abuse in any form, help is available. The National Domestic Violence Hotline provides free, confidential support 24/7/365. Text START to 88788, call 1-800-799-SAFE (7233), or chat with us online at You are not alone.