National Domestic Violence Hotline Welcomes Senate Bill to Support Survivors

For Immediate Release: April 20, 2021

AUSTIN – Today, Senators Bob Casey (D-PA) and Lisa Murkowski (R-AK) introduced the Family Violence Prevention and Services Improvement Act of 2021 (S.1275), which would reauthorize funding and services for more than 1,500 local, public, private, nonprofit, and faith-based organizations, and over 240 Tribes and Tribal organizations that respond to the urgent needs of domestic violence survivors and their children.

“As the only direct funding bill supporting shelters, programs, hotlines, financial and legal assistance, this bill is critically important to the work of shifting power back to survivors,” Katie Ray-Jones, CEO of The National Domestic Violence Hotline (The Hotline). “We applaud this bill for including increased funding for historically under-resourced communities and the programs that serve them, including Tribal nations, communities of color, immigrants, deaf survivors, and LGBTQ+ survivors. The Hotline is hopeful for swift passage of S.1275 to ensure continued support for survivors across the country who depend on FVPSA-funded programs for life-saving support and services.”

On March 23, 2021 a bipartisan group of representatives introduced an accompanying bill in the House of Representatives. Since 1984, the Family Violence Prevention and Services Act has remained at the core of our nation’s response to domestic violence. This bill also contains many key improvements that ensure more survivors have access to support and safety.


The National Domestic Violence Hotline envisions a world where all relationships are positive, healthy, and free from violence. If you or someone you know needs help call The Hotline at 1-800-799-7233 or go to